Welcome to

'Becky's Herb Patch'

        I started this to share my experience(HA!) and knowledge(HA! again) on gardening and herbal therapy. I can laugh because every good gardener knows that you never have enough knowledge or experience. Gardening is a hands on experiment. You never can tell what problems you are going to run into when working with plants.

        New! My on-line gardening journal, read it if you'd like- click on the diary below-


my journal


get this gear!

        If you have anything to add like a good gardening story, recipe, herbal lore, favorite plant,etc. let me know and I will more than likely add it to the site. My wish is to get more people involved with the world around them and to literally "Stop and Smell the Roses!". If you don't have alot of space to work with, start a container garden. Most herbs do not require a whole lot of room, so get out there and start planting! Along the way on our trip together I will be spotlighting some of my favorite plants and their uses.



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