Becky's Herb Patch Journal

Ramblings of my garden, in more ways than one!

Saturday, May 25, 2002

Well, work in the herb beds has progressed nicely since I last wrote, however, there still remains much more to be done! Alas, a gardener's work is never done, if it is, then you are either the most talented gardener in the world or looking through rose-colored glasses, LOL!
We now have over 200 herbs to be planted, new seedlings to replace old, worn out plants and those annuals that must be replenished each year like Basil.
The old sage plants are ready to be harvested, some are starting to form buds already, so one cutting will have to be done and hopefully we will get 2 or 3 more during the harvest months to come.

We decided to move all of the yarrows out of their bed in order to use that bed for Cilantro and Marjoram. That meant creating a new bed which we placed right next to the sidewalk to be easily enjoyed, but backbreaking work to dig.

The oregano beds are producing oodles already this year, that needs to be harvested soon. I had planted left-over seedlings of Oregano in other spots in the flower beds, but it is doing so well that they will need to be removed, crowding out babies.....

We had a first this year in the beds. 5 baby sparrows right smack dab between the stems of a Marguerite Daisy, never saw a sparrow build a nest directly on the ground before, so we are working around them, placing food (worms and bread) right next to the plant and the parents come and grab it to feed the hungry mouthes.

Hopefully we have seen the last hard frost, the last one damaged the mulberry trees, maples and oak and I lost a few marigolds that I had put in to add color, but such is life, the trees will produce new leaves and just be a bit behind leafing out.

I am waiting to be safe to plant the rosemary, but those will go in soon. If I had only three herbs to content myself with, those three would be Rosemary, Sage and Thyme. I cannot imagine life without any of my herbs, but it would be very tasteless and bleak without those three!

I took a final tally on the mints, if you are counting horehound and catnip, then we are up to 11 different varities, adding orange mint this year since I have no idea where that one went to.......

Well, that's enough for now, waiting for it to warm up some so I can get out there and get dirty!